Schedule Your Consultation Today

Dr. Ahmed  Kenawy  has  a  Ph. D  in  Nutritional Sciences. Olive Leaves Nutrition & Consultation Center has been operating since 1985. Dr. Kenawy and his staff are always advising and helping their customers and his patients. For over 35 years, he has been practicing and providing consultations with many success stories of patients whether healthy looking to better improve their diet and lifestyle or patients with comorbidities [including but not limited to] Heart Failure/Disease, Kidney Failure/Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension (high blood pressure), Allergies, Respiratory Conditions, Pain management & Weight management. 
 Nutritional Consultation appointments are available in person, via email, and telephone.  Call  our  friendly  &  helpful  staff  to  schedule  your  consultation  today!  


Consultation Requirements:

  • Before calling to schedule a consultation, please send us the Consultation form via mail, fax, or email.
  • Bring a copy of your recent blood work.
  • Bring in a list of all Medications you're taking.
  • Bring in the physical bottles of all Vitamins & Supplements you're using.



Olive Leaves Nutrition & Consultation Center
Publix Plaza, 634 West 23rd Street
Panama City, FL 32405


*A FREE follow-up is available, if scheduled within one month of initial consultation appointment.

oliveleavesnutrition              oliveleavesnutrition

(850) 763-8871                  (850) 763-5224