Body pH testing
Do You Know What your pH Is?
- It is the most important health-related number, more critical than cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose or I.Q.
- 96% of the population has unbalanced, unhealthy pH score.
- Low energy levels are linked to acid/alkaline imbalances.
- High acid levels are linked to diabetes, heart disease, cancer arthritis, and most chronic disease.
- Over-alkalizing the body can be more dangerous.
We test our clients' pH level for $2.00 (regularly $5.00)
*Non-invasive immediate test results*
Make sure you haven't had anything to eat or drink (including water) for at least 1 hour prior to test

EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) guidelines state that the pH of tap water should be between 6.5 and 8.5. Still, tap water in the U.S. tends to fall below that -- in the 4.3 to 5.3 range -- depending on where you live. Many of our customers and clients are in disbelief to find out that this also includes the bottled water many of us buy from the mass market.
We openly test the differences with our clients and customers whom are curious to see what level their drinking water is.
To learn more about our Customized Alkaline Water Services click here

To learn more about Alkaline Water as well as its health benefits click here
†Statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your General Practitioner. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.