Dr. Kenawy's Ultra Proteo-Zimes (100 Enteric Coated Tablets)
Dr. Kenawy's Ultra Proteo-Zimes (100 Enteric Coated Tablets)

Dr. Kenawy's Ultra Proteo-Zimes (100 Enteric Coated Tablets)

Olive Leaves Nutrition & Consultation Center
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Generally speaking, having the right amount of enzymes in your body may help support digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost your immune system. They actually serve many functions and benefits, one of which includes healthy digestion. But, the body also utilizes enzymes for the chemical reactions used in almost all its functions. That’s where systemic enzymes come in. They help stimulate the immune system, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation. 

Many people have heard of digestive enzymes, ***if not, learn more about digestive enzymes here: Dr. Kenawy’s Superzymes supplement*** but...what exactly are systemic enzymes?  The word “systemic” means body wide. Systemic enzymes are those that operate not just for digestion but throughout your body in every system and organ. However, let’s first take a look at what is an enzyme?

Enzymes are large proteins that are produced in living cells of plants, animals and microorganisms, that act as the catalysts for chemical reactions. A catalyst is “a substance that enables a chemical reaction to proceed at a usually faster rate or under different conditions than otherwise possible; an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action”. Specifically, an enzyme is a biocatalyst, something that makes something else work or work faster.

Every cell in the body uses enzymes for building, maintenance, and repair. All living organisms require enzymes for growth and for the production and utilization of energy which is essential for life.  There are thousands of enzymes and are classified by the type of reaction they catalyze. They fall into two main categories: systemic enzymes and digestive enzymes. Both provide many benefits. While systemic enzymes help the body with overall healing and wellness, digestive enzymes support the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and various aspects of digestive health. Many plant-based foods provide a good source of enzymes. Following a healthy organic diet that's rich in fruits and vegetables is a great way to provide your body with a wide variety of enzymes. As such, enzymes are either: made by your body, found naturally in certain foods or available as a supplement. However, natural production of enzymes begins to decline as early as age 25. Joint pain, circulatory problems, slower healing, and an increase in the incidence of disease are all too common with people who are enzyme deficient and suffering the effects of aging.†

Symptoms of Low Enzyme Levels [1]:

  • Lack of systemic enzymes also allows waste to build up throughout the bloodstream and lymph system, stressing the immune system’s ability to keep up.
  • Inadequate digestive enzyme levels lead to food rotting in the intestines. This can create: 
    • bloating, 
    • indigestion, 
    • gas, 
    • abdominal discomfort. 
  • heartburn, 
  • lethargy, 
  • food in your stool that hasn’t been properly digested

***learn more about digestive enzymes here: Dr. Kenawy’s Superzymes supplement***


As stated earlier, systemic enzymes support and maintain overall health. They help a wide variety of processes in the body and can be thought of like “the lubrication that keeps the gears moving easy” (ie: allow cells to regenerate, heal and make other body functions possible).  They also specifically appear to target inflammation throughout the body. While inflammation is a natural response to injury, excessive inflammation can slow the healing process. †

There is a family group of systemic enzymes that includes a specific group, called proteolytic enzymes (also called proteases or proteinases) that break down proteins amongst many other functions. Proteases can work as either digestive enzymes (ie: break down food) or systemic enzymes (ie: work throughout the body to break down protein-based "gunk" in the body. They are sometimes used for “enzyme therapy” in clinical practice.) Studies have looked at the effect of proteolytic enzymes on disorders which cause inflammation in the joints. The results suggest supplementing with proteolytic enzymes may reduce swelling and provide analgesic effects in some cases. †

Supplements with systemic enzymes may be taken to address specific health issues, but just as often are used to promote general body support. A few things that systemic enzymes (eg: systemic proteolytic enzymes) help with include the breakdown of excess mucus, fibrin, toxins, allergens, and clotting factors. Also, many people take systemic enzymes instead of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) since they also can be helpful in the temporary reduction of swelling. Unlike NSAIDs, systemic enzymes pinpoint only the harmful circulating immune complexes (CICs) without suppressing the CICs that are beneficial. [1] † In other words, very few painkillers help heal the body. On the other hand, enzymes help the body to heal itself

How Does Ultra-Proteo-Zimes Compare with Dr. Kenawy’s Other Enzymes?
With so many digestive supplement options, you may wonder which one is right for you. Ultra Proteo-Zimes formula contain enzymes that are designed to be digested and absorbed in the small intestine and travel directly to the blood and are therefore not designed to assist in the digestive process itself; with the exception of some support of protein digestion. Once absorbed these enzymes go to work helping to break down specific protein molecules that may be directly involved in inflammation, poor circulation, pain, and stiffness.† The enzymes in Ultra Proteo-Zimes™ help support healthy cardiovascular, immune and joint function as well help support tissue repair.† 
Dr. Kenawy’s Gluten-Ade
Gluten-Ade will be the best choice for those who know they have trouble digesting gluten, because it contains a specially formulated gluten enzyme formula. Gluten-Ade provides targeted support. It helps digest gluten and also delivers probiotics and prebiotics for a well-balanced digestive-care plan. Prebiotics act as food for “good” bacteria in the intestine. Don't confuse prebiotics with probiotics such as lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, and saccharomyces, which are live organisms that are good for health. People sometimes take probiotics by mouth to increase the number in their intestine.
***Learn more about systemic enzymes here: Dr. Kenawy’s Gluten-Ade supplement***

Dr. Kenawy’s Superzymes

 Superzymes will be the best choice for those who have problems digesting all kinds of foods, or have recurrent digestive issues, the Superzymes product might be the best fit for you. Its potent formula contains extra support such as (but not limited to) Ox Bile Extract, which is an excellent supplement for those who've had their gallbladder removed. And, it contains Betaine hydrochloride which provides the digestive system with hydrochloric acid, and Pepsin which is another acidic enzyme–both aid general digestion in the stomach.† ***Learn more about systemic enzymes here: Dr. Kenawy’s Superzymes supplement***

Dr. Kenawy’s Ultra Veggie Enzymes

Dr. Kenawy’s Ultra Veggie Enzymes is a comprehensive enzyme formula targeting the complete digestion of foods and their components, such as proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, starches, fibers, fats, and even hard-to-digest foods such as dairy products, grains, and legumes.† Our proprietary blend is the perfect choice for the vegetarian or anyone who is looking for a digestive aid derived exclusively from plants. These key plant enzymes break down many types of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fibers. Once absorbed, the enzymes also serve other important non-digestive functions.***Learn more about systemic enzymes here: Dr. Kenawy’s Ultra Veggie Enzymes supplement***

As with all of Dr. Kenawy's professional line products, we use the best manufactures in making our formulas. Dr. Kenawy’s Ultra Proteo-Zimes is a systemic enzyme formulation that contains a unique blend of enzymes (including Proteolytic enzymes) that have been clinically studied to support numerous biological processes.† These enzymes are designed to be digested and absorbed in the small intestine and travel directly to the blood and are therefore not designed to assist in the digestive process itself; with the exception of some support of protein digestion. Once absorbed these enzymes go to work helping to break down specific protein molecules that may be directly involved in inflammation, poor circulation, pain, and stiffness.† The enzymes in Ultra Proteo-Zimes™ help support healthy cardiovascular, immune and joint function as well help support tissue repair.Also, this systemic blend contains powerful enzymes that may be useful after experiencing the stress of strenuous exercise or physical activity. They help support and maintain the health and mobility of joints. †


  • Gluten Free
  • Very high potency systemic enzyme formula.
  • Compares to the leading systemic enzyme brand.
  • Many enzymes are deactivated when exposed to the highly acidic conditions found in the stomach.  However, our tablets are Enteric–coated, meaning they prevent the destruction of the enzymes by stomach acid.
  • Contains the highest commercial concentrations available of chymotrypsin trypsin, pancreatin, papain, and bromelain.
    • Bromelain comes from pineapple. Bromelain assists in protein digestion. Bromelain is also a great anti-inflammatory agent.†
    • Rutin, which is also known as vitamin P and rutoside, is a bioflavonoid that’s found in certain foods. Like all flavonoids, it has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.†
    • Papain is from papaya and is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks down amino acids into smaller fragments.†
    • Pancreatin contributes the necessary digestive enzymes normally produced by the pancreas.†
    • Trypsin is necessary for the breakdown proteins into smaller parts in the small intestines for proper digestion and absorption.†
    • Chymotrypsin is also necessary to break down proteins in the small intestines for proper digestion and absorption. †



  • Research suggests that bromelain, papain, pancreatin, trypsin, chymotrypsin and rutin all act as essential regulators and modulators of the inflammatory response.†
  • Systemic enzymes support healthy joints, particularly joint mobility, by ensuring a normal, healthy response to inflammation.†
  • Supports healthy circulation through its fibrinolytic action (breaks down fibrin which may cause excessive blood clotting) within the cardiovascular system.†
  • Supports a healthy immune system by limiting the production of cytokines (molecules that cause inflammation).†
  • Helps support the breakdown of proteins in the intestinal tract thereby aiding in the digestion and absorption of proteins.†
  • Rutin used as medicine to strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, lower cholesterol and relieve arthritis symptoms. Rutin is also known for its potential ability to promote the production of collagen and help the body to use vitamin C properly. † Other health benefits of Rutin include: †
    • Boosts Heart Health
    • Relieves Arthritis Symptoms
    • Fights Cancer
    • Protects Against Metabolic Disease
    • Protects Brain Health
    • Prevents Blood Clots
    • Improves Circulation


  1. Are proteolytic enzymes safe for continued use?  –  Yes, they should be considered safe for continued use. *******However, some cautions to take into account, do not take them if you aretaking prescription blood thinners (Coumadin, Heparin, Plavix); having surgery in less than two weeks; have stomach ulcers,; have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); are pregnant or lactating, are taking antibiotics or have an allergy to pineapple or papaya
  2. Are there any side effects?  –  Proteolytic enzymes have an excellent safety record with no significant side effects reported (other than mild blood thinning from dissolving excess fibrin). With any supplement, however, there is always the possibility of developing an allergy to one or more ingredients. If this happens, you should discontinue use.
  3. Can these enzymes be used with other pain meds?  – Yes, enzymes can be used with (NSAIDs), as long as they are taken at least 60 minutes apart.
  4. How long does it take to start working?  –  Enzymes go to work right away, but remember, the enzymes are supporting the healing process, so recovery from any condition is going to take time. You don't just take the enzymes and expect to get better immediately. However, by using these enzymes as part of a well-planned recovery process, you're making a commitment to doing what it takes to make improvements in your life.
  5. How are they measured?  –  Enzymes are different than many other nutrients in that they are not best measured by weight. For quality, make sure you get products that are measured in Units of Fibrolytic Activity, (a measure of the rate of fibrin breakdown) or other activity measurements.

These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your General Practitioner. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.


[1] Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM. (2018, June 19). The Difference Between Systemic Enzymes and Digestive Enzymes. Dr. Group’s Healthy Living Articles. https://globalhealing.com/natural-health/difference-systemic-enzymes-digestive-enzymes/